Some serious reading to do

Dec 27, 2012

I got 4 new filmmaking pdfs books to read in addition to the one my sister gave me for my birthday:

-25 Scripts and How They Made It by David S. Cohen
-Rebel Without a Crew by Robert Rodriguez
-Digital Cinema: The Revolution in Cinematography, Postproduction and Distribution by Brian McKernan
-Filmmaking for Dummies by Bryan Michael Stoller
and the one my sister got me for my birthday:
-Grammar of The Film Language by Daniel Arijon, which is more of a go-to manual book once you are in the process of filming something
Getting my reading on. 

I can't wait to eat this 4 books. I already started "Grammar of The Film Language" but this one is more like a go-to manual book once you are in the process of filming something, but it has some pretty cool drawings.

Self-teaching something is hard but it is very exciting, the only thing is, that even when you are learning something on your own you really need that someone to guide you and/or ask questions to. Right now I want to read as much as I can about it, watch lots of films paying attention to details, and of course the one I consider the most important is to grab a camera yourself and start filming stuff, theory is almost nothing, if you don't put it to practice and make some shitty stuff that'll help you learn with time.

Are you teaching yourself something? What would you like to learn on your own?

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It's always fun to mix movies and fashion, don't you dare say otherwise

Yes, Christmas cleaning is always good, and this time was even better. My sister found this jean jacket hiding in her closet, and she forgot she had it there, (knowing that I wanted one of those long ago, shame on you carol), so as soon as she got it out of the closet and threw on the bed, I jumped on it, and claimed it mine.

I proceeded to cut off the sleeves and think of what I was going to sew on the back, you know, inspired by Hayley's and Gaga's badass jean jackets. I then, remembered I had this Star Wars tee, that I thrifted long ago and was starting to smell funny, so what better use could i have found for it. My face lit like a cartoon character.

This is the result. 

I cut out the image only, then i glued it on the jacket with liquid silicone (not the right way to go, but i needed to glue it with something to make the sewing easier), then I sew it and here it is.

This is my "I am your father" response face.

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I'm on Tumblr you guys

Dec 16, 2012

I was born, and 21 years later I got a Tumblr:

It's almost the same as here, but with way more images and less words, and more of a casual, non filtered thing, I really don't know. Oh and more of a "oh my God everyone is so awesome and beautiful and talented, and Im a potato" kind of thing. It'll be so much fun.

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You haven't posted anything in almost a month...shame on you Ross

Yeah, I know, bad Ross, bad Ross, though I don't have many readers, so there is no harm, and I just write for fun and to document the process of achieving my goals and what happens in the meantime, the good, the bad, the meaningless, the meaningful and so on.

Im finally on vacation (I've been on vacation for  like 2 weeks now...sorry), and after procrastinating a lot, and just doing the nothingness I was dreaming about doing once I got some well deserved vacations it's time to get into action: work and study.

Even though I don't have a job, and duh, I have 3 more weeks left since college starts again, so Im taking the time to keep the 'Self-Teaching Filmmaking' process I have been doing half-assed due to the lack of time and take this time to study and learn all I can, and work on my video making (you know, you gotta put the theory to practice, and embarrass yourself on YouTube while doing it).

I actually feel bad because I have kind of wasted this 2 weeks, but that's it, Im serious about it. Well it's not like i have been doing noothing you know. Little before I got out on vacation I was going with my sister to band practice, because she and some school friends are starting out a band and they want me to sing in it but provisionally of course because I am a sucky, sucky singer, but of course I said yes, because I love music, and being surrounded by musical instruments, and of course I could get to play the electric guitar, given that I only have an acoustic one because is all I can afford at the moment, bummer.

No, I don't play the drums, my skills are so little I apparently can only play guitar, (barely) something else would just be pushing it. This is me trying to play the drums, and realizing is not as easy as it looks. Right now I can only play the very beginning of 'Steady As She Goes' by The Raconteurs, (it just came out of nowhere)  and  a bit of 'Starlight' by Muse, (by watching some quick tutorials on YT, everyone was to busy to teach me some drums)...also, I am incredibly uncoordinated.

See how my face is strategically hidden by the plates? Nice job sister taking the picture :D. Man, now I realized I don't have any picture of that sweet cherry red guitar I get to play.

Also, in this two weeks of crazy productivity I have been dealing with major, important and crucial issues for human existence, such as how can I make a cover for my laptop out of some Floppy disks I had laying around. Its harder than it sounds, I own a Compaq 15'' laptop, and not only they don't fit right away, but I wish I could get like a hard cover (like those on Macs) where I can glue the diskettes to, instead of doing it directly on the laptop top.

And of course, there's the video we shot last week, its just a little short that we came up with out of nowhere, its crazy, weird, it makes no sense, but I love it. I mean, hey have you watched Un Chien Andalou? what we are doing is completely normal compare to that.

It was pretty exciting, since we mainly make music videos, and this is the first 'short' we upload to our channel. Here's the video:

Tell us what you think, either here or in the YouTube comment section, whether is good or bad, we always appreciate feedback.

And yeah, this is just some of it... How would you make your vacations productive?